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maison V_
We are maison V, a research and design team from Hong Kong specialized in the 5Vs:
• VR & meta(Verse)
• Vernacular culture
• Venture capital
• Visuals / Videos
• Voluntary services
We are currently working towards bringing more from the inaccessible past, intangible memory and the unreachable far away lands to everyone, such as objects, buildings, activities, etc.
Our team is a combination of individuals from a variety of skillsets and backgrounds; yet we share a common interest and passion for VR development, architectural visualization as well as heritage conservation.
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About Jumbo_
Recent news surrounding Jumbo Floating Restaurant have sparked discussion amongst the MaisonV team regarding the conservation of architectural heritages. Provided the limitations of capital and land, and if the physical conservation of architecture really fails to take place, could some of the heritage be conserved comprehensively through virtual reality?
With the rising popularity of blockchain technology, virtual heritage conservation will not be limited to straightforward digital reconstruction of architectures, but will instead engage the public in its recreation, redevelopment and revitalisation. People can be equally as engaged in the heritage at every stage of its design, build and use as they were in the physical world.Unlike physical architectures, the lifecycles of virtual architectures are not bounded by natural weathering and disasters and can live on forever in the digital world.